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NSK Ekiden

Foto by Lars van der Valk

This page contains all information about the upcoming NSK Ekiden in Groningen! The NSK Ekiden will take place on the 15th of March 2025, with the possibility of staying for a dinner, party and overnight stay afterwards as well.

Stay up to date and follow us on instagram!

What is the NSK Ekiden?

The Dutch Student Championship Ekiden is a relay marathon. In teams of six, the distance of a classic marathon will be covered as fast as possible. The teams run consecutively 5km, 10km, 5km, 10km, 5km and 7.195km. The fastest team completing the entire marathon may crown themselves the winner.

There will be different categories during the NSK Ekiden that will compete for the victory. The categories have been determined as follows:



The team consists exclusively of female participants


The team consists of a maximum of 3 male participants


The team consists of at least 4 male participants

Buiten Mededinging*

The team in which one or more non-student participates gets the Buiten Mededinging category

*Buiten Mededinging teams do not compete in the NSK ranking and do not compete for the prizes to be awarded.








*Records as set by N.S.A.F. ZeuS and published on the N.S.A.F. ZeuS site

It is currently not possible to register teams for the NSK Ekiden. When it does become possible to register teams for the NSK Ekiden 2025, all registration information will be posted here.

The course is not known either. When it is known it will be available here.

Dinner, Party, Overnight Stay

It is not at this moment possible to register yourself for the Dinner, Party or Overnight stay of the NSK Ekiden 2025. When more information becomes available, and when it is possible to register, all information about the Dinner, Party and Overnight stay will be available here!


If you still have questions, it is possible to ask the organising committee of the NSK Ekiden. Questions can be asked via email by emailing
Also keep up to date with the NSK Ekiden by following us on instagram!