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You are now on the external FAQ page of Vitalis, for the internal FAQ page you have to sign in first.

Q: I have a question, but I can't find the answer on the Vitalis website. What should I do?
A: Maybe the answer to your question is on this FAQ page. Otherwise, you can send an e-mail to our secretary: he will be happy to help you with all your questions about Vitalis. The secretary's e-mail address is


Q: Can I train for free?
A: Yes, you can try 4 free trial training sessions at Vitalis! You can choose whether you train 4 times with the same training group, or you can take a look at different groups. If you want to know more about trial training or if you want to sign up for a trial training, please send an e-mail to the secretary (

Q: Where are the training sessions?
A: The training takes place on and around the athletics track in the Stadspark. The address of the athletics track is Mulock Houwerlaan 25. 

Q: Where does everybody gather before the training sessions?
A: All training groups gather on the grandstand next to the athletics track, on the side closest to the entrance of the track. Training starts from the grandstand.

Q: At what time does my training start?
A: The start time of your training depends on the group you are training with. An overview of the current training times of all groups can be found here.


Q: What kind of activities do you all have?

A: All sorts of things! Every Tuesday evening we have dinner together in the canteen after training. Every month we have drinks in our favourite pub, Tram13, and a sports or social activity that regularly ends in Tram13. Furthermore, we organise several competitions every year, such as the Zac Freudenberg cross, the Easter Bunny Cup, club championships and this year also an NSK. We go on training weekends twice a year and also have a legendary club weekend every year. Add to this a ski trip in winter and a holiday in summer and you certainly won't be bored!

Q: Who organises these activities?

A: All activities are organised by our own member-filled committees. Take a look at the committees' section on the website if you are curious. There is something for everyone and help is always welcome!


Q: How expensive is a membership at Vitalis?
A: A membership at Vitalis costs €40,- per year, and runs from January till December. If you are only a member for a short time, there is the possibility of a six-month membership (January to June or July to December) for €26,50. You pay your membership by direct debit. Want to know more about membership at Vitalis? Then click here. 

Q: Do I have to have an ACLO-card to become a member of Vitalis?
A: Yes, every member of Vitalis must have a valid ACLO-card. You can buy an ACLO-card with your student account at the website of the ACLO.

Q: Do I have to be a member of the Athletics Union to be a member of Vitalis?
A: Yes, every member of Vitalis has to be (or become) a member of the Athletics Union. You can choose between a recreational license or a competition license. More information about the licenses of the Atletiekunie can be found here.

Q: How long is the introduction period at Vitalis?
A: The introduction period at Vitalis lasts two weeks and costs €10,-. With this, you pay for all activities during the introductory period in September, excluding drinks. The costs of the club weekend and the club championships are not included in this €10,-.


Q: Where can I find more information about clubwear?

A: You can find more information on clubwear here, or on our internal FAQ page.