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Trophy Rankings

At Vitalis there are 3 rankings;

- Vitalist of the year
- VIP-Classification
- Golden Spike Cup

Vitalist of the year

Every year all Vitalis members can vote for whom they think deserves the title 'Vitalist of the year'. They can nominate someone for all kinds of reasons. Someone may have made a lot of personal progress, or is always present and enthusiastic at training. From the three nominees with the most votes, the WPC will choose the final winner. The prize will be awarded during the annual Vitalis gala. 

2024. Niall Foley
2023. Wouter de Does
2022. Frank Buigel
2021. Alex Wildeboer
2020. -
2019. Matthijs Reenders
2018. Thijmen van der Loop


The translation of VIP is roughly 'personal improvement achievement'. The VIP ranking was created by members of NSAV 't Haasje, student athletics association in Nijmegen. The athlete who improves his/her personal best the most in one discipline, in comparison with the previous year, will win the VIP trophy. This does not mean that necessarily the best Vitalis athlete will win this trophy, but whoever achieved the biggest improvement in a specific year will. This torphy will be awarded during the Vitalis gala in the fall.

The rules: participating in a track or indoor competition will grant you 1 point. This counts per competition and not for each individual discipline. So let's say you participate in three different disciplines during the same competition, based on this rule you will only get 1 point in total. Improving your PR will grant you 2 extra points; matching your PR will grant you 1 extra point. The total points of every competition will be accumulated and counted to determine the VIP trophy winner at the end of the year based on the highest total score. 

2024. Fimme Busman (53 points)
2023. Fimme Busman (49 points)
2022. Thom van Kemenade (65 points)
2021. Amerins Ypma (28 points)
2020. Yvon Schreuder (48 points)
2019. Joris Beintema (81 points)
2018. Anja Bekema (75 points)
2017. Thijmen van der Loop (74 points)
2016. Silke Jonkman (67 points)
2015. Mathilde Spitzen (65 points)
2014. Fabian ten Kate (48 points)
2013. Stefan van Twillert (55 points)
2012. Koen Huits (53 points)
2011. Jan-Paul Hoekstra (63 points)
2010. Tjerk Zult (59 points)
2009. Tieme Klinkers (45 points)
2008. Siem Uittenhout (55 points)
2007. Kirsten Jansen (46 points)
2006. Siem Uittenhout (70 points)
2005. Jelly van der Kloet (50 points)
2004. Hendrik Jan Heijerman
2003. Hanneke Schipper

Gouden Spike Bokaal

The 'Gouden Spike Bokaal' translates to 'Golden Running Spikes Trophy' and is awarded to whichever Vitalis member has accomplished the most extraordinary achievement during the year. Did you for example break the clubrecord for the high jump, or improve your 5000 meter PR by 5 minutes, or did you perhaps finish a marathon? Then you could just happen to be in the run for the Gouden Spike Bokaal. The WPC calculates and discusses internally who they think deserves the Gouden Spike Bokaal most that year, but of course this remains a secret until the trophy is awarded during the yearly Vitalis gala!

2024. 5000m Niall Foley
2023. High jump, Yara Gast
2022. 1500m, Jaap-Gerben Vellinga
2021. 1500m, Jaap-Gerben Vellinga
2020. 3000m, Silke Jonkman
2019. 800m, Jaap-Gerben Vellinga
2018. Swiss Relay team woman: Anja, Femke, Ilona en Isabel
2017. Swiss Relay team woman: Eva M., Erika, Anniek, Silke
2016. Erwan Vaujany
2015. Yara Gast
2014. Swiss Relay team men: Freek, Koen, Stefan, Tjerk
2013. Sjoerd Hensing
2012. Tieme Klinkers
2011. Tieme Klinkers
2010. Tieme Klinkers
2009. Tieme Klinkers
2008. Tieme Klinkers
2007. Tieme Klinkers
2006. Erik Niemeijer
2005. Tieme Klinkers
2004. Erik Niemeijer
2003. Erik Niemeijer
2002. Zac Freudenburg
2001. Erik Niemeijer