Board 2025
You can find the contact details of the board members below. Feel free to contact us in case you have any questions or remarks!
From left to right: Above: Marit van der Schaaf, Daphne Groenewold, Evelien Honebecke, Marieke Dinkla. Below: Jetske Meijer, Cilia van Kessel
Daphne Groenewold Function: ChairmanCan be contacted for: General information Mobile: 06-33759634 E-mail: |
Can be contacted for: Administrative tasks and membership Mobile: 06-30866258 E-mail: |
Marieke Dinkla Function: TreasurerCan be contacted for: Finance Mobile: 06-26969939 E-mail: |
Evelien Honebecke Function: Commissioner SportsCan be contacted for: Training and sports events Mobile: 06-27204223 E-mail: |
Cilia van Kessel Function: Commissioner Internal AffairsCan be contacted for: Internal affairs such as committees Mobile: 06-48515931 E-mail: |
Jetske Meijer
Function: Commissioner External Affairs
Can be contacted for: External affairs such as sponsoring
Mobile: 06-23360116
Old boards
Click here for an overview of the old boards of the association!